The Palm Bay City Council will hold a special election to fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of Peter Filiberto. Filiberto, who won a special election to fill the remainder of Jeff Bailey's term, resigned from the council after being arrested on a DUI and felony cocaine possession charge.
The city council had 60 days from Filiberto's resignation to appoint a new council member, but that time has now expired. The Council attempted to hold 3 meetings in the 6 days leading up-to the deadline, but failed to seat a quorum at any of the 3 meetings. The council will now schedule a special election in accordance with the City Charter.
The special election will be open to all registered voters in the city of Palm Bay. The winner will serve out the remainder of Filiberto's term, which expires in November, 2024.
The city council has not yet announced the date of the special election as required by the deadline expiring on April 18th, 2023 at midnight.
The resignation of Filiberto and the need for a special election has caused some concern among residents of Palm Bay. This City Council seat will now see no less than three elected Council Members in one four year term.
The city council will work to ensure that the special election is conducted fairly and transparently, and that all candidates have an equal opportunity to make their case to the voters of Palm Bay. The council is also encouraging all eligible voters to participate in the election and have their voices heard.
As the city prepares for the special election, residents are hopeful that the new council member will be able to bring nonpartisanship, stability, and leadership to the council. This process has proven there is are deep divides among the current Council members.
The way it should have always been.
"This town, needs an enima" Great movie quote.